
Showing posts from July, 2020

Perks of cuddle therapy and features of On-demand cuddle app

Cuddle therapy is one of the new advancements in the healthcare industry. It is said to relieve people from stress, depression, and other mental issues. People are undergoing a lot of stress through their professional and personal lives. So they are looking for ways to relax, cuddle apps are one such beneficial solution to loosen up. The professionals involved in the  on-demand cuddle app   are trained in ways to boost users’ minds spirit. Let us look at the benefits that cuddle app offers. Benefits of cuddling: Immune boosters : A warm hug is said to create a positive aura and rejuvenate their mental strength. It is hard to believe, but cuddling is part of Swedish massage routine, these are some of the benefits of this cuddling therapy: It lowers the stress levels thereby reducing the levels of cortisol Increases the immunity rate of one’s body Relieve pains : Cuddling is said to increase the oxytocin levels, which will block the pain signals and give a calming effect on pe