
Showing posts from March, 2020

On Demand Cuddle App- the Essentials and Features!

Did you know that cuddling with your loved ones can improve your moods? Are you aware of the fact that cuddling is a therapy provided in treatment for depression and dementia? Cuddling therapy has emerged as a recent advancement in healthcare. What if you are entitled to receive revenue for providing a cuddle? Aren’t you interested in such an offer? On-demand Cuddle Apps are being produced across the world to offer cuddle therapy to the patients. The benefits of cuddle therapy, as well as the essential features of the app, are discussed. Benefits of the Cuddling Immune Boosters : A warm hug can enlighten the mood of any human. A cuddle can decrease the level of disease-causing protein to a substantial rate. It is a proven study that touching and cuddling increases the immunity of persons, thereby preventing people from falling ill. Treatment for depression and dementia : Professional cuddlers bring out the trauma from depressed patients. The platonic hugs provided by them can

Prime features every Uber for cuddling app must have

Who doesn’t like a warm cuddle from their loved ones? Everyone single person wishes to get hugged when they feel low or stressed. But what about people who do not have dear ones to share their worries with? Such people are found to encounter depression and anxiety more often than other people facing similar situations. Uber for cuddling   is a service offered by professionals to help people who are feeling a bit gloomy and downcast to get better, by offering them a warm and tight hug. The act of sharing platonic hugs is known to relieve people from stress to a great extent, along with boosting their immunity. Thus, starting an Uber for cuddling business is a lucrative idea that you should consider. If you decide to get into the development of an app that serves as a marketplace to connect people looking for cuddling services with service providers, you should consider a few prime features to include in the app. Availability toggle Allow cuddling service providers to set th